About My Classes

All my courses share a similar format — students are expected to implement solutions using relevant algorithms and tools. In case there are no programming language constraints (e.g. course is about a specific language), my preffered teaching tool is Python. All assignments are checked automatically by my homebrew grading system Bobot. My teaching materials are distributed via gitlab and students are also expected to use git to submit their assignments.

Consulting Hours

University MS Teams is the preferred form of contact concerning a teaching matter. Otherwise, you can use mail. In case a remote contact wouldn’t suffice, consider writing to me to set up a meeting / let me know in advance to expect you at the place and hour given below:

C2 318/319     Thursday, 10:00 AM — 11:30 AM

Operations Research
Constraint Programming
Logic Programming
Introduction to Programming Language Theory
Artificial Intelligence — Methods and Algorithms
Corner 0444