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Review visit to Ukraine on 8 – 11 April 2013

        The goal of the review visit was to hand over the studies, i.e. energy audits, for four public utility buildings (including two-option audits for two buildings) and to hand over energy certificates to all building administrators. A seminar meeting took place in the Governor's Office of Ivano-Frankivsk District on 14 October 2013, in which representatives of several departments participated. On the next day, i.e. 15 Oct. 2013,  a seminar took place in the building of UkroNafta Company, during which the results of the works concerning the use of removed well no. 407 in the Town of Pasiczna as a borehole heat exchanger were presented. Due to a very new topic presented by the Polish specialists, the seminar was highly appreciated. The representatives of the said company are interested in further cooperation in this scope. In their opinion, it is possible to make borehole heat exchanger on the area of Nadvirna Deposit. A separate meeting was held with all administrators of the buildings for which energy audits were made with extensive interactive economic analysis in order to discuss the results of the studies. Conclusions from the meetings became the basis for developing reviewing reports on energy management and possibilities of increasing energy efficiency, as well as a report on the possibilities of utilising exploited oil wells.

Diagnostic visit to Ukraine on 8 – 11 April 2013

        Streamlining of energy management in typical public utility buildings is one of the most important challenges relating to proper energy management to be met by local governments. Within the project frameworks, on 8 – 11 April 2013, a group of scientists from the Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas at the AGH University of Science and Technology paid a visit to Ukraine. On the first day of staying in Ukraine, an international seminar took place under the auspices of the Rector of the Oil and Gas University in Ivano-Frankivsk. TV stations were also interested in this meeting. They broadcast an extensive report from the seminar on the same day in regional news blocks. The exchange of scientific concepts in the area of potential and possibilities of utilising of low-temperature energy, especially in Ukraine gave solid foundations for a further visit in the field. Subsequent days were full of meetings both with representatives of local governments, administrators of the selected public utility buildings and the representatives of UkroNafta Company in Ivano-Frankivsk District. AGH’s representatives had presentations regarding the Polish experience in the area of managing low-temperature energy, and they also presented issues relating to a possibility of using crude oil wells, which have already been removed or which are designated for removal, in order to acquire the earth internal energy from them. Those new technical and engineering solutions are not known yey and, that's why, they are not used on natural gas and crude oil deposits in Ivano-Frankivsk District in Ukraine. Also, the issues relating to the requirements concerning preparation of buildings (energy certificates) for utilising low-temperature energy by means of heat pumps raised a lot of interest. During the diagnostic visit, public utility buildings selected by the Ukrainian party in such towns as Uhornyky, Pasiczna, Poberezzia and Zahyzdna were analysed in detail in terms of demand for heat and hot utility water. In each of those buildings detailed photographic documentation was made by means of a thermal vision video camera. All those buildings require thermal modernisation works to be conducted.
        The diagnostic visit was prepared professionally by the Ukrainian partner: the Oil and Gas University in Ivano-Frankivsk. An extended agenda of the diagnostic visit contributed to becoming acquainted with the issues and perspectives of developing the utilisation of low-temperature energy both by means of known technical and engineering solutions and with a possibility of utilising geothermal energy by means of heat pumps.

Study visit in Poland on 9-12 September 2013
        On 9 to 12 September 2013, a delegation from Ukraine consisting of 10 members came to Poland. The delegation comprised representatives of local government, administrator of public utility buildings, representatives of local business and employees of the Oil and Gas Technical University in Ivano-Frankivsk.
        The goal of the visit was to learn more about managing low-temperature energy in public utility buildings. The Ukrainian delegation had an opportunity meet with the authorities of companies involved in energy issues, representatives of the local government, private investors, who cooperate in the area of utilising low-temperature energy, including also geothermal energy.
        On the first day an International Seminar was held at the AGH University of Science and Technology. The guests were greeted by the Deputy Deans of the Faculty, namely Prof. Czesław Rybicki, dr inż. Jan Ziaja and Prof. Rafał Wi¶niowski (Head of the Drilling and Geo-Engineering Faculty). A number of presentations were given regarding the project and possibilities of co-financing related projects. On that day, the Ukrainian delegation went to Miękinia, to a modern laboratory of renewable energy sources and energy conservation of AGH. The participants had an opportunity to become familiar with the operation of e.g. photovoltaic cells, solar collectors of different structure and the principles of heat pump operation.
        On the next day, the Ukrainian delegation was received by the Mayor of Słomniki Town, Mr. Paweł Knafel. It was an excellent opportunity to discuss issues relating to the energy problems in the community, including especially in the area of passive buildings. The participants visited a modern, Poland's first sports hall in Słomniki and a passive gym in the Town of Waganowice. In the afternoon, the delegation from Ukraine was received by the Head of Pałecznica Village, Mr. Marcin Gaweł, who presented a newly built heat pump installation with direct evaporation, which provides power to the public utility buildings in that village. On 11-12 September 2013, the Ukrainian delegation went to the Podhale Region. On the first day they met with the Mayor of Zakopane Town, Mr. Jerzy Majcherski and President of Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej "Geotermia Podhalańska" SA., Mr. Czesław ¦limak, and his staff. Deputy Mayor of Zakopane Town, Mr. Wojciech Solik participated in the meeting as well. In the building belonging to Geotermia Podhalańska, the Company’s employees told the guests about their experience with operating Podhale heating network. Furthermore, the Ukrainian delegation visited both a geothermal part of the installation in Bańska Niżna and peak load boiler house in Zakopane. The guests from Ukraine had also an opportunity to become familiar with the experience concerning drilling of a new geothermal well, Bańska PGP-3. On the next day, the delegation visited "Terma Bania" swimming complex, where the participants learnt how a swimming pool installation operates and what are the operational parameters of the well, from which thermal water is exploited.
        A good example to follow is the best and fastest teacher, so may long-term experience in the creation of the Polish heating geothermal installations and balneology-recreational complexes be a challenge for Ukrainian local governments.        
        All of the participants evaluated the study visit in Poland as very successful.
        The study visit was arranged by Eng. Aneta Sapińska-¦liwa, PhD, Project Manager.