Zdzisław Skupień

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Zdzislaw Skupien, On Maximal non-Hamiltonian Graphs.

Rostock Math. Kolloq. 11 (1979) 97-106

Zdzislaw Skupien, Some maximum multigraphs and edge/vertex distance colourings.

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 15 (1995) 89-106
[with corrections on pp. 102, 103]

Z. Skupien, BCH codes and distance multi- or fractional colourings in hypercubes asymptotically.
Discrete Mathematics 307 (2007) 990-1000,

J. Górska, Z. Skupień, Inducing regulation of any digraphs
Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (2009) 947-952
       Keywords: Regular digraph; Multidigraph; Pseudodigraph; Inducing regularization; Construction complexity

Z. Skupień, Complete n-closure for pancyclism

Z. Skupień, Exponentially many hypohamiltonian snarks,
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 28 (2007) 417-424.
All hypohamiltonian cubic graphs which are constructed in the author's paper of 1989 make up a family of exponentially many hypohamiltonian snarks. It is so because these are—in Chvátal's terminology—graphs based on compositions of flip-flops derived exclusively from two snarks: the Petersen graph PG and Isaacs' flower snark J5. Consequently, due to a new simple observation, the constructed graphs are iterated dot products of PG and/or J5.
       Keywords: snark; hypohamiltonian graph; flip-flop; composition; dot product