The proposed solution is based on introducing inference capabilities which will enhance the functionality of database systems.
The enhancement is applied in a way which allows solving C1 and C2 classes of problems as well as providing rule-based processing.
In fact, this technology enables handling recursive queries.
Below, there are guidelines for the presented solution.
- The original functionality of the database is preserved.
- The database is coupled with the Prolog inference engine.
- Both data and knowledge are stored within the Relational Database; no additional knowledge base is necessary.
- For extending data processing features there are modules specified in Prolog - these modules are stored by decomposing into data in the database.
- Results of the inference process which is inferred knowledge are accessible as dynamically generated SQL views; the necessary code is generated on-request from components stored in the database.
- The communication method between the user and the database remains SQL.
Details of the solution are presented in Chapter 8.
Igor Wojnicki