Next: Launching other modules
Up: Controller
Previous: Controller
The Controller is the main module of the Osiris system. It creates its
own top-level window according to the design described in
4.3.1. Interface is built using the Glade (see Section
5.4.2). The Controller window is named
controller_window and consists of three elements:
- The menu bar that holds menu which gives access to all Controller
functions. It allows opening and saving projects, configuring the
Osiris itself, launching the Editor, the Generator, the Validator
and the Launcher. It is named menubar1. Top-level menubar
consists sub-menus which are connected via call-back functions with
appropriate actions. The same call-back functions are used by
tool-bars. The names of the menu items and the appropriate call-back
functions are given in Table 5.1. As can be seen
there are no call-back functions for top-level menu entries. It is
because these menu entries are only to show other menu entries (or
menu items) without any additional actions.
- Tool bars, they hold the most commonly used functions such as
New, Open, Save, Edit, Validate, Generate, Launch. The functions can
be activated by pushing the appropriate buttons which are placed on
the tool bars.
- toolbar1 - it gives access to project manipulation
functions: New, Open, Save. The push buttons execute the
appropriate call-back functions: on_new_activate,
on_open_activate or on_save_activate, when
- toolbar2 - it allows to control development of a
logical design: Edit, Validate, Generate and Launch which executes
call-back functions: on_edit_activate,
on_validate_activate, on_generate_acitvate
or on_launch_activate.
- The status bar that shows messages that inform user about
actions taken by the Osiris. It is named statusbar1.
Table 5.1:
Controller menu, names and call-back functions
title |
name |
signal |
call-back function |
File |
file |
New |
new |
activate |
on_new_activate |
Open |
open |
activate |
on_open_activate |
Save |
save |
activate |
on_save_activate |
Save As... |
save_as |
activate |
on_save_as_activate |
Properties |
properties |
activate |
on_properties_activate |
Quit |
quit |
activate |
on_quit_activate |
Modules |
mmodules |
Edit |
edit |
activate |
on_edit_activate |
Validate |
validate |
activate |
on_validate_activate |
Generate |
generate |
activate |
on_generate_activate |
Launch |
launch |
activate |
on_launch_activate |
Configuration |
configuration |
Modules |
modules |
activate |
on_modules_activate |
Help |
help |
Manual |
manual |
activate |
on_manual_activated |
About |
about |
activate |
on_about_activated |
License |
license |
activate |
on_license_activated |
As one can see the names for call-back functions are chosen is such a way
that they clearly describe what they do. Usually, a call-back
function's name consists of two parts: an object and a signal. It
means that the appropriate function is called when the given signal is
emitted by the given object.
Next: Launching other modules
Up: Controller
Previous: Controller
Igor Wojnicki