Data: piątek, 27 września 2024 r.

Curriculum Vitae
Useful software


uC/OS-II, RTOS - implementacion on ATMega128 platform
Program controls work of AVR uC using a real time system uC/OS-II (v 2.6) from Micrium. It secures context task switching and offers a lot more mechanismus which assist designing of real time systems. Program uses timer interrupt 0 as system clock interruptr (freq. 50Hz). Activated tasks serve: LCD, RS232 communication (according to VT100 standard) and monitor I2C bus.The main task, responsible for communication is IOTask from Tasks.c file. Additionally, in the background works statistic task, which calculate usage of CPU, according to option set on terminal.                                                                                                                             ATMega128 processor with, above described, operating system are only small part of project executed thanks to Elsta company, by group of student of electronics AGH. It apllies building transmittion system in USB 2.0 standard, which can be used in data aquisition (for example: software radio). More details you can find in pdf file - USB2.0 Development Board. 

Authors: Łukasz Krzak, Marcin Krzesiński, Andrzej Kuroś


USB2.0_Development_Board.pdf                                                                                    download
Our system based on  uC/OS-II                                                                                        download
Pictures  ;)                                                                                                                          download
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I can safely recommend you entering "Projects" branch.  There gonna apear the most interesting  works on electronics field.



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