Przydatne linki

Metoda elementów skończonych (ang. FEM)
[pdf] Introduction to Finite Element Methods (Univ. of Colorado)
MES (Politechnika Warszawska)
Wprowadzenie do MES (dla informatyków), prof. K. Banaś
Introduction to Modelling of Multiphysics Problems (Tomasz G. Zieliński, IPPT PAN)
[edX] A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations (ANSYS Workbench)
[pdf] FEA Best Practices Approach
Obliczeniowa mechanika płynów (ang. CFD)
CFD Online - CFD-Wiki
LEAP's Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Blog
[pdf] Mały przewodnik po Fluencie
Analiza modalna (ang. Modal Analysis)
[pdf] Modal Space (in our own little world), Peter Avitabile
Metody numeryczne (MATLAB / Octave / Python)
[pdf] MATLAB Training (Hans-Petter Halvorsen - Telemark Univ. College)
[YouTube] MATLAB Tutorial: Getting Started with MATLAB
[pdf] Matlab dla o(d)pornych (Maciej Krawiecki)
GNU Octave (Wikibooks-pl) / (Wikibooks-eng)
[pdf] Octave Quick Reference (ver.3.0.0)
[pdf] Introduction to Octave (Univ. of Cambridge)
Octave Symbolic package (Notes on Windows installation)
Numeric matrix manipulation – The cheat sheet for MATLAB, Python NumPy, R, and Julia
S. Linge and H. P. Langtangen: Programming for Computations (Python/Matlab)
ANSYS Tutorials (Mechanical APDL)
Cornell Univ. - ANSYS Learning Modules
Carnegie Mellon Mechanical Engineering - FEM/ANSYS
Kent L. Lawrence - ANSYS Examples
APDL Math Example
ANSYS Tutorials (Workbench)
ANSYS DOE and Design Optimization Tutorial
[YouTube] ANSYS How To Videos
[YouTube] ANSYS Tech Tips
[YouTube] CAE Associates Inc.
Zastosowania praktyczne pakietu ANSYS
PADT, Inc. - The Blog
ANSYS Advantage
MESco ANSYS - Blog
SimuTech Group - Blog
Darmowe oprogramowanie wspomagające obliczenia inżynierskie
Free Mechanical Engineering Software
freeFEM++, ELMER, FEniCS
Bazy parametrów matariałowych
MatWeb - Material Property Data
eFunda - Engineering Materials
AZoM (the A to Z of Materials)
Onshape - projektowanie w chmurze (darmowe do celów niekomercyjnych)
[YouTube] SpaceClaim: Now Part of ANSYS
[YouTube] - The Product Design Show
GrabCAD - baza modeli + chmura
Przegląd literatury
E-źródła BG AGH - Inżynieria Mechaniczna (aktywne konto BG AGH)
Google Scholar - wyszukiwarka tekstów naukowych
Mendeley - free reference manager and PDF organizer
ResearchGate - publication search
Kursy akademickie
Khan Academy - podstawowa wiedza
[MOOC -] Physical Science and Engineering
[MOOC -] Engineering Courses
[] Physics Lectures - Walter H. G. Lewin
[Stanford] Modern Physics: Theoretical Minimum - Leonard Susskind
[MIT OpenCourseWare] Computational Science and Engineering - Gilbert Strang
[MIT OpenCourseWare] Finite Element Procedures - Klaus J. Bathe
LearnCAx - Courses
Texmaker - Free cross-platform LaTeX editor / TeXstudio - LaTeX made comfortable
LyX - The Document Processor
TeX Live - instalacja w Windows
Klasa aghdpl (Marcin Szpyrka), dla IMIR konieczne drobne modyfikacje
Inżynierskie podejście do sprzętu wspinaczkowego
[pdf] SCIENCE VERSUS THE MOUNTAIN (J.T. Allison, Tufts Univ., Medford)
Andrew McLaren's web page (Strathclyde Univ., Glasgow)
Physics of Rock Climbing (Dave Custer, MIT) [MIT OCW]
An Elastic Model of the Holding Power of SLCD Used as Rock Climbing Anchors (D. Custer, MIT, Cambridge)
[YouTube] The Math of Rock Climbing (S. Garibaldi, Emory Univ., Atlanta)
[YouTube] The Strange and Wonderful Life of the Ice Climbing Professor (R. Slawinski, Mount Royal Univ., Calgary)
[YouTube] Kalquin: El Joker Pacín - nowa opatentowana konstrukcja kości mechanicznej (Kalquin)
Michael Byrne, Gear Physics: How Ice Screws Keep Ice Climbers from Falling to Their Deaths