Available research equipment:

Ore microscopy laboratory
equipped with 6 Nicon microscopes for reflected light, 3 Nicon microscopes for both reflected and transmitted light and 2 microscopes dedicated to digital image analysis.

Microthermomeric laboratory

Fluid inclusion microthermomeric apparatus consists of:

• Linkam elements:
- THMSG600 stage (temperature and environmental control from -195°C to 600°C)
- LNP system with Dewar
- T96 system and T96-LinkPad temperature controller with LCD touch screen
- Link software,

• Olympus elements:
- BX53 microscope with 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x objectives,
- UC90 (colour, 4K resolution),
- XM10 (monochrome, IR, resolution 1376 x 1038 px),
- Stream Essentials software.

Laboratory of Critical Elements AGH-KGHM