Summary of activities in 2024
Highlights of activities in 2024
is the main focus of the Department and can be described as "scientific study of the Earth's sources of mineral raw materials and the practical application of the acquired knowledge".
are fundamental for sustainable development. As modern economies grow, so does the demand for the raw materials needed to develop technologies for various sectors, including energy production, transport, strategic industrial sectors and defence.
of the department are focused on metallic ore deposits. They include study of ore genesis, exploration and prospecting strategies, metallogeny, mineralogy, geochemistry and ore petrology.
with the industry is an important component of the research works. It includes assesment of geological features of the deposit, detailed mineralogical description and ore processing to determine whether ore is economically and technically feasible for extraction.
Address: main AGH University Building A0, room 06 and 07
Al. Mickiewicza 30, Kraków
Phone: +48 (0-12) 617 24 33
Phone: +48 (0-12) 617 24 47