Book Erratum
Understanding The Analytic Hierarchy Process
Errors found in the book Understanding The Analytic Hierarchy Process [1]
Page 40, line 3 from the top
should be
Page 75, the numerical example is faulty. The correct version is:
and the constant term vector is given as
Solving leads to the following logarithmized ranking vector
Hence, the (unscaled) ranking vector is
The last step to receive the ranking in the usual form is scaling so that the entries of the ranking vector sum up to . The final form of the ranking vector is as follows: According to the computed ranking, the most preferred alternative is with the ranking value . The second place is taken by with , then and .
Of course, one may verify that GMM applied to the following matrix results in .
Page 80, line 1 from the top
where is the number of existing comparisons in the i-th row of ,
should be
where is the number of existing comparisons in the i-th row of except the diagonal
Page 81, line 12 from the bottom
should be
Page 113, line 14 from the bottom
is Effectiveness of the Koczkodaj index
should be Effectiveness and the Koczkodaj index
Page 123, line 5 from the top
should be
Page 150, line 11 from the bottom
should be
Page 150, line 7 from the bottom
should be
1Understanding the Analytic Hierarchy Process (Chapman and Hall / CRC Press, 2020). ,