Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
Pablo Picasso
PhD Workshop Mentoring
I was asked to be a mentor at a doctoral workshop as part of the MZBO 2023 conference (15-17 Oct. 2023). (podziękowania)

CERN Winter Campus 2022
I was a chair of the local organizing committee of the CERN Winter Campus 2022, Nov. 14 – 17, 2022 at AGH. (winter campus flyer)

Targi Projektów Akademickich
I was a member of the jury of Targi Projektów Akademickich 2017
I was a mentor during Hackaton (info), (cert. of acknowledgements)
Diamonds of AGH – competition
I was a member of the Jury of Diamonds of AGH Competition, Edition 2016
5th EESTEC Competition for Android
I was a member of the Jury of 5th EESTEC Competition for Android

iGPM cooperation
We are working on iGPM’s Facility Management software.
We conducted Workshop on Facility Management conference Ryn 2014
Sabre Operational Research
We are looking for ways of mutual cooperation 🙂
Sabre Academy
On behalf of the Dean of the Faculty WEAIiIB – coordination and organization of the Sabre Academy Event

Company internship – help in adapting and porting a commercial real estate property management system to the university purposes (certificate)
General Electric & partners
Green AGH Campus project preparation, technical group leading
Ministry of Economics (Ministerstwo Gospodarki)
Expert as regards the Support for investment of considerable importance to the Polish economy (POIG 4.5.2)
iGPM & Mobeelizer
Together with iGPM sp. z o.o. and Mobeelizer sp. z o.o. the contest for the best web application has been launched. The contest has been designed for all the participants of the course „Technologies and Applications WWW”.
General Electric & Tauron Dystrybucja S.A
Smart Grid solutions design and development
Ministry of Economics (Ministerstwo Gospodarki)
Expert as regards the Support for investment of considerable importance to the Polish economy (POIG 4.5.2)
Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna
Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna (The government agency responsible for Matura and other state exams in Poland) ordered the expertise as regards the computer system „E-Marking”.
The Carpathian Institute
Evaluation of innovative third-party ideas (continued)
Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości
Reviewer of scholarship applications within the program Doctus.
Wincor Nixdorf sp. z o.o.
Leading the team handling „Ekspertyza dotycząca bezpieczeństwa danych zawartych w pamięci programu typu FLASH” commissioned by Polish branch of Wincor Nixdorf Group
The Carpathian Institute
On 17 June 2010 The Carpathian Institute and AGH University of Science and Technology signed a cooperation settlement. I am responsible for coordinating all activities undertaken under this settlement.
MaWI Agencja Informatyczna sp. z o.o.
Private-held MaWI Agencja Informatyczna has ordered „Opinia o Innowacjności” as regards the KPR24 technology.
Magoora sp. z o.o.
Private-held Magoora Sp. z o.o. has ordered Ekspertyza, pt. „Wytyczne dla rozbudowy oprogramowania ADAPIX, w aspekcie najnowszych trendów w dziedzinie zarządzania i optymalizacji logistyki„.
Query Soft sp. z o.o.
Private-held Query Soft Sp. z o.o. has ordered Ekspertyza, pt. „Analiza możliwości rozwoju oprogramowania w aspekcie najnowszych trendów w dziedzinie zarządzania i optymalizacji logistyki”.
Adapta sp. z o.o.
On 27 June 2008 the private-held Adapta sp. z o.o. and AGH University of Science and Technology signed a cooperation agreement.
Z oficjalnego komunikatu CTT
Celem Umowy jest wykorzystanie doświadczeń i dorobku naukowego Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej oraz potencjału i pozycji firmy Adapta sp. z o.o. dla dalszych działań służących dobru Stron.
- uzgadnianie tematów prac badawczych,
- uzgadnianie tematów prac magisterskich,
- wzajemne prezentowanie i propagowanie osiągnięć,
- współdziałanie dotyczące zatrudniania absolwentów,
- doskonalenie przez studentów znajomości języków obcych w zakresie terminologii technicznej,
- wymiana doświadczeń w zakresie zarządzania wiedzą ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problematyki rozwoju kompetencji,
- organizowanie i udział w stałych szkoleniach, kursach specjalistycznych
- powołanie zespołu specjalistów dla strategicznych rozwiązań technicznych i organizacyjnych.
Uczestnictwo w Zespole Ekspertów ds. Analiz Deiphi Narodowego Programu Foresight Polska 2020 (certyfikat)
In 2007, acting as a consultant on behalf of Sapere Auso – Małopolska Fundacja Stypendialna under umbrella of project „Dobry Staż – Dobry Start” 2nd Ed. I supervised innovative e-book sale system designed and implemented entirely in
Web Methods
In May 2007, Web Methods Inc. (currently acquired by Software A.G.) had a presentation for AGH students. Selected persons were invited for interview. Positive evaluation entailed an opportunity of job in Web Methods center in Amsterdam, Netherlands
In March 2006, Bloomberg Inc. officials had a presentation for AGH students. Selected persons were invited for interview. Positive evaluation entailed an opportunity of scholarship in Bloomberg center in London, UK.