Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków
tel.: (12) 617-29-21, fax: (12) 617-29-21
e-mail: Maciej.Pietrzyk@agh.edu.pl

Skrócone Curriculum Vitae
Short CV

Short Curriculum Vitae

Name: Maciej Pietrzyk

Date and place of birth: March 6, 1947 Krakow, Poland

Marital status: Married. Wife Alina Pietrzyk works as a lecturer at the Department of Education, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow, Poland. Two children: son Wojciech born in 1977 and daughter Marta born in 1981.

Professional qualifications:


M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza. Thesis on "Identification of Dynamic Objects".


Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engimeering, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza. Thesis on "The Energy Balance of the Cold Rolling Process".


Dr.hab. (Approximately equal to Associate Professor), Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza. Thesis on "Flat Rolling Processes - Mathematical Models".



Teaching experience:


classroom lectures and laboratory trainings in the field of electrical engineering and mechanical metallurgy with the students of the Department of Metallurgy.

since 1975,

lectures on the following subjects:
- automatic control of forming processes,
- finite element method in plasticity,
- numerical methods in forming processes,
- modelling of microstructure evolution.


During more than 40 years at the AGH - University of Science and Technology I have taken part in a realization of more than 100 projects for Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metallurgical Industry, also projects sponsored by the European Council, the Ministry of Education (MEN), the Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN), Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN), National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR), National Science Centre (NCN), Maria Sklodowska-Curie Fund, NATO and British Council. The most important recent projects were:

  • OPTIFIN - Optimisation of finishing processes for eliminating rectification of plate and section products (Optymalizacja operacji wykańczających w celu wyeliminowania prostowania na zimno blach grubych i wyrobów długich), Research Funds for Coal and Steel RFCS, Coordinator CORUS, UK, 2008-2010.
  • Model numeryczny całkowicie wszczepialnej protezy serca, zadanie badawcze w projekcie zamawianym Polskie Sztuczne Serce (Numerical model of the hart prosthesis, task in the project Polish Artificial Hart), FRK Zabrze, 2008-2011.
  • Hybrydowy system komputerowy do identyfikacji modeli materiałów metalicznych na podstawie badań doświadczalnych (Hybrid computer system for identification of metallic materials models on the basis of experimental data), NCN, 2011-2014.
  • VADPsheets - Property oriented design of hard constituent hardness and morphology in continuously annealed/galvanised DP sheets, Research Funds for Coal and Steel RFCS, Coordinator IMŻ Gliwice, 2011-2013.
  • Opracowanie nowej generacji modeli rozwoju mikrostruktury i ich zastosowanie do projektowania technologii produkcji zaawansowanych wysokowytrzymałych stali, (Development of new generation models of microstructure evolution and their application to manufacturing of advanced high strength steels), NCN, UMO-2011/03/B/ST8/06100.
  • Opracowanie kompleksowego wieloskalowego modelu rozwoju mikrostruktury w warunkach odkształcenia na gorąco, (Development of complex multiscale model of microstructure evolution in the hot deformation conditions), UMO-2012/04/M/ST8/00706, NCN – Harmonia, 2012-2015.
  • Wieloskalowe modelowanie materiałów z zastosowaniem ich wirtualnej reprezentacji na nowoczesnych architekturach komputerowych, (Multi-scale modelling of materials on modern computer architectures, based on virtual representations) NCN-OPUS, 2014/13/B/ST8/03812, 2015-2018.

Industrial trainings, scholarships, foreign contracts:

1975/76 Work as a technologist in the steel works Warszawa (10 months).
1978/79 Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY, USA. Work with Professor Roger N. Wright (10 months).
1982/84 Lecturer at Kwara State College of Technology, Ilorin, Nigeria (2 years).
1987/89 Visiting Professor, The University of New Brunswick and The University of Waterloo in Canada. Work with Professor John G. Lenard (2 years).
1993 Visiting Professor at The Helsinki University of Technology, Finland (1 month).
1994 Visiting Professor at Monash University, Clayton, Australia (7 months).
1998 Visiting Professor at the University of Sheffield, England, (1 month)

Membership in the Scientific Organisations:

European Scientific Association for Material Forming ESAFORM - Board of Directors (1997-2004), Chairman of the Scientific Committee (2005-2008)
CIRP - The International Academy for Production Engineering - Fellow
Committee of Metallurgy, Polish Academy of Sciences - Vice President (1999-2011), Section Chairman (1996-2011)
International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) , USA
Polish Society of Computer Methods in Mechanics PTMKM
Association of Iron and Steel Technology (AIST), USA
Scientific Council-Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, Gliwice, Poland (2000-2003)
Scientific Council-Institute for Metal Forming , Poznań, Poland (2010-2016)

Participation in European projects

TESTIFY (5FP) - Mechanical Tests and Identification of Parameters for Metal Forming Processes, 2000-2002.
NAS-TENSTAND (5FP) - Computer Controlled Tensile Testing Machines. Validation of European Standard EN 10002 Part 1: Finite Analysis & Inverse Modeling, 2001-2003.
COST Action 526 - Optimization of tool shape in the tests aiming at identification of models describing rheological and mechanical properties of metal forming products, 2002-2004.
VIF - CA - Virtual Intelligent Forging, 2005-2008.
Multiscale Modelling of Materials, COST P19, 2006-2010.
Semi-solid Processing of Steels: Thixosteel, COST Action 541, 2008-2010.
OPTIFIN (RFCS) - Optimizations of finishing processes for eliminating rectification of plate and section products, coordinator CORUS, 2007-2010.
VADPSheet - Property oriented design of hard constituent hardness and morphology in continuously annealed/galvanised DP sheets, Research Funds for Coal and Steel RFCS, coordinator IMŻ Gliwice, 2011-2013.
VirtROLL - Virtual strip rolling mill, Research Funds for Coal and Steel RFCS, coordinator AGH – CYFRONET (2013-2016).

Membership in the Editorial Boards of Journals

Computer Methods in Materials Science - Chief Editor
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials - Editor of Section of Metal Forming Processes
Journal of Materials Processing Technology - Member of the Editorial Board
Steel Research International - Member of the Editorial Board
Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering - Member of the Editorial Board
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Member of the Editorial Board
Machine Engineering - Member of the Editorial Board
Journal of Multiscale Modelling - Member of the Editorial Board
Mechanik (in Polish) - Member of the Editorial Board
Obróbka Plastyczna Metali (in Polish) - Member of the Editorial Board
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions - Key Reader


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