dr inż. Zbigniew Szklarz



My basic education is metallurgy and foundry engineering. In my scientific work I study electrochemical and corrosion properties as well as microstructures and mechanical properties of various types of metallic materials. My interests are focused on technique and technology (materials engineering, also mechanics and electronics).


  • Microstructure analysis of various metallic alloys (aluminium, magnesium as well as steels and high entropy alloys).
  • Electrochemistry and corrosion behavior of metallic materials.
  • Local corrosion processes researches by microcapillary and microelectrodes techniques.
  • Corrosion behavior studies under mechanical stresses.
  • Analyses of the corrosion products composition by UV-VIS and FTIR techniques.

    List of Publications


    List of Conferences - Lectures


  • EUROCORR 2024 Book of Abstracts: EUROCORR 2024 Book of Abstracts

    Reviewer for:

    Electrochimica Acta, Applied Surface Science, Corrosion Science, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys.


  • Author of a scientific monograph (2022): MONOGRAFIA.PDF

  • Co-author of the online textbook "e-chemistry" on the e-learning platform at AGH (2019).

  • Co-author of a script for foreign students - laboratory classes in general chemistry in English (General Chemistry) (2019).

  • Co-author of the monograph titled: "Atlas Geotermalny Karpat Wschodnich" (2013).


  • Członek Wydziałowego Zespołu Audytu Dydaktycznego w latach 2015/2016.
  • Opiekun rocznika 2015/2016 (kierunek metalurgia).
  • Wolontariusz podczas 73 Światowego Kongresu Odlewnictwa (Kraków,2018).
  • Członek Jury w Konkursie im. Profesora Jerzego Buzka na najlepszą pracę magisterską w roku 2018.
  • Zbigniew Szklarz | Admin 2022