Risk Engineering in Energy Efficient Networks


Here, the information related to our paper presenting the iterative method for energy-efficient optimized design of resilient network with risk-awareness is given. The paper entitled “Optimization/simulation-based risk mitigation in resilient green communication networks”, authored by Piotr Chołda and Piotr Jaglarz, has been published in Journal of Network and Computer Application (by Elsevier) in January 2016.

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Details of the optimization algorithms

Exact optimization is realized with CPLEX (the problems are written in OPL). The formulations are quite typical for convex programming-based resilient network design with linearization of the concave goal function and it is given in the paper:

  • Formulation for NR (non-recovery): .MOD file.
  • Network data for the Poland network (PL) for NR: .DAT file.
  • Formulation for DP (dedicated path protection): .MOD file.
  • Formulation for SP (shared backup path protection): .MOD file.
  • Network data for the Poland network (PL) for DP/SP: .DAT file.
  • Formulation for DL (dedicated link protection): .MOD file.
  • Formulation for SL (shared backup link protection): .MOD file.
  • Network data for the Poland network (PL) for DL/SL: .DAT file.

MATLAB algorithm uses heuristic based on the modified Yaged’s approach.

Pages from JNCA-D-15-00006R1

Iterative optimization-simulation algorithm

We optimized the mixed combination of recovery methods for selected risk mitigation strategies:

Pages from JNCA-D-15-00006R1-2

Optimization is again realized with CPLEX and Matlab. The formulation is given in the paper. Here you can find the optimization problem in .MOD file. The MATLAB files with the whole iterative optimization/simulation procedure is given here in .ZIP file.


Results for various networks

The paper presents results for the Poland network only. Here, we also present the results for other tested networks retrieved from the SNDLib library:

  • The Poland network (poland.xml): .ZIP file with figures.
  • The NOBEL project German network (nobel-germany.xml): .ZIP file with figures.
  • The NOBEL project US network (nobel-us.xml): .ZIP file with figures.
  • The NOBEL project European network (nobel-eu.xml): .ZIP file with figures.