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references on electrocardiography
  1. AKAY M. “Wavelets in Biomedical Engineering” Annals of Biomed. Eng. Vol. 23, 531-542, 1995
  2. ALDROUBI A., GROECHENIG K. "Non-Uniform Sampling and Recomnstruction in Shift-Invariant Spaces" SIAM 2001, (to appear)
  3. AUGUSTYNIAK P, TADEUSIEWICZ R. "The Bandwidth Variability of a Typical Electrocardiogram" in proceedings of European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC ’99, Wien Austria, 04-07.11.1999 pp. 394-395
  4. AUGUSTYNIAK P. “Pasmo chwilowe sygnału elektrokardiograficznego” (in Polish) w materiałach konferencji TiM’99, 18-20.11.1999
  5. AUGUSTYNIAK P. "Odrębna kompresja wyższych oktaw elektrokardiogramu" (in Polish) w materiałach konferencji Biocybernetyka i Inżynieria Biomedyczna, Warszawa 02-04.12.1999
  6. AUGUSTYNIAK P. “Continuous model of ECG noise in time-frequency domain” (in polish) accepted for oral presentation at the 5-th Conference on Cybernetics Modelling of Biological Systems in Kraków, 19-20.05.2000
  7. AUGUSTYNIAK P. "Assessment of ECG Information Density by Eliminating of Wavelet Coefficients" (in Polish) in proceedings of II-nd Workshop on Modelling and Measurements in Medicine, Krynica Poland, May 8-12.2000 pp. 221-230
  8. AUGUSTYNIAK P. "Measuring the local bandwidth of the ECG with noise estimation for lower frequencies" (in Polish) in proceedings of the 2-nd Workshop on Measurements and Modelling in Medicine, Krynica Górska 8-12.05.2000 pp. 191 – 196
  9. AUGUSTYNIAK P., TADEUSIEWICZ R. "The ECG-dedicated compression method using high frequency patterns" in proceedings of First International Conference on Advances in Medical Signal and Information Processing, Bristol, United Kingdom, 4-6.09.2000 pp. 257 – 264
  10. AUGUSTYNIAK P. "Compression and Denoising of the ECG Using Standard Bandwidth Variability Function" in proceedings of First International Conference on Advances in Medical Signal and Information Processing, Bristol, United Kingdom, 4-6.09.2000
  11. AUGUSTYNIAK P. “The Dynamic Range of an ECG in the Time-Frequency Domain Used for the Lossless Signal Compression” in proceedings of V-th International Conference Medical Informatics and Technologies Ustroń Poland, 8-10.11.2000
  12. BARLAS G. D., SKORDALAKIS E. S. "A Novel Family of Compression Algorithms for ECG and Other Semiperiodical One-Dimensional Biomedical Signals" IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. vol. 43 no 8, 1996
  13. BHASKARAN V., KONSTANTINIDES K. "Image and video compression standards: algorithms and architectures" Kluwer, Boston 1995
  14. BRADIE B. "Wavelet Packet-Based Compression of Single Lead ECG" IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. vol. 43 pp 493-501, 1996
  15. BUCHANAN J. L., TURNER P. R. Numerical Methods and Analysis McGraw-Hill Intl. Ed. 1992
  16. CALDERBANK A. R., DAUBECHIES I., SWELDENS W. and YEO B. "Wavelet transforms that map integers to integers", technical report, Princetown Univ., 1996
  17. CARDENAS-BARRERA J. L., LORENZO-GINORI J. V. "Mean Shape Vector Quantizer for ECG Signal Compression" IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. vol. 46 pp 62-70, 1999
  18. CETIN A. E., KOYMEN H., AYDIN M. C. Multichannel ECG Data Compression by Multirate Signal Processing and Transform Domain Coding Techniques IEEE Trans. on Biomed. Eng. vol. 40, no 5, pp. 495-499, 1993
  19. CHEN L., CHEN W., ITOH S. “Lossy to Lossless Compression of ECG Data Using Integer Wavelet Transform” in proceedings of the European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC’99 Nov 4-7 1999, Vienna, Austria
  20. COHEN A. "Ondelettes, analyses multirésolution et traitement numérique du signal," Ph. D. Thesis, University of Paris IX, DAUPHINE, 1992.
  21. COHEN A., ZIGEL Y. "Compression of multichannel ECG through multichannel long-term prediction" IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. vol. 17, No 1 pp 109-115, Jan/Feb 1998
  22. CSE Multilead Atlas 1990
  23. DAUBECHIES I. "Ten lectures on wavelets" CBMS-NSF conference series in applied mathematics. SIAM Ed, 1992
  24. DOWER G. E., MACHADO H. B., OSBORNE J. A. On deriving the electrocardiogram from vectorcardiographic leads Clinical Cardiology , 3, 87-95, 1980
  25. DĄBROWSKI A., DĄBROWSKA B., PIOTROWICZ R. Elektrokardiografia Holterowska (in Polish) Wydawnictwa Medyczne Warszawa 1994
  26. EDENBRANDT L., PALM O. “Vectocardiogram synthesized from a 12-lead ECG: superiority of the inverse Dower matrix” J. Electrocardiol. 21:361, 1988
  27. FAYN J., RUBEL P. “Caviar, a serial ECG processing system for the comparative analysis of VCGs and their interpretation with auto-reference to the patient” J. Electrocardiol. Suppl. Issue, 173:176, 1988
  28. FAYN J. "L'analyse sequentielle des electrocardiogrammes – une approche par comparaison optimale d'images filaires spatio-temporelles" (in French) – these INSA-Lyon, 1990
  29. FAYN J., RUBEL P. “Caviar, a serial ECG processing and management system for pharmacological drug trials” w materiałach konferencji Computers in Cardiology, Wenecja 1991
  30. FAYN J., RUBEL P. “An improved method for the precise measurement of serial ECG changes in QRS duration and QT interval” J. Electrocardiol. Vol 24 suppl., 123:127, 1992
  31. FRANKIEWICZ Z "System holterowski z możliwością analizy zmian w obrębie załamka P" Rozprawa habilitacyjna, Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice 1993
  32. HILTON M. "Wavelet and Wavelet Packet Compression of Eletrocardiograms" IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. vol. 44 pp 394-402, 1997
  33. HOLTER N. ‘New method for heart studies: continuous electrocardiography of active subjects over long periods is now practical’ Science 1961, 134: 1214-20
  34. JALALEDDINE S. M. S., HUTCHENS C. G., STRATTAN R. D., COBERLY W. A. “ECG data compression techniques – a unified approach” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. vol. 37 pp 329-343, 1990
  35. KESTER W. "Mixed-Signal and DSP Design Techniques" Analog Devices, USA, 2000
  36. LEVKOV Ch. L. 'Orthogonal electrocardiogram derived from the limb and chest electrodes of the conventional 12-lead system' Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput. 1987, 25, 155-164
  37. MALIK M. et al. Heart Rate Variability Standards of Measurements, Physiological Interpretation and Clinical Use Circulation, 1996; 93:1043-1065
  38. MALLAT S. G. “A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation”, IEEE Trans on PAMI, Vol. 11 No. 7, July 1989
  39. MERRI M., FARDEN D.C. "Sampling frequency of the electrocardiogram for the spectral analysis of heart rate variability" IEEE Trans. Biomed Eng. 1990; 37:99-106
  40. MIAOU S. G., YEN H. L. “ECG Data Compression Using Wavelet Transform and Adaptive Vector Quantization” in proc. EMBEC’99, pp. 502-503, Nov 4-7 1999, Vienna, Austria
  41. MIT/BIH Arrhythmia Database Distribution, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Division of Health Science and Technology, Cambridge, MA
  42. MOODY G., MARK R. "MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database Directory" Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Biomedical Engineering Center 1988.
  43. MORLET D. "Contribution a l'analyse automatique des electrocardiogrammes – algorithmes de localisation, classification et delimitation precise des ondes dans le systeme de Lyon" (in French) – PhD these INSA-Lyon 1986
  44. MOSS A., STERN S. "Noninvasive Electrocardiology – clinical aspects of Holter monitoring" Saunders Co. London, 1996
  45. NAVE G., COHEN A. “ECG compression using long term prediction” IEEE Trans Biomed. Eng. Vol. 40, 877-885, 1993
  46. NORMANN R. A. "Principles of Bioinstrumentation" University of Utah, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 1988
  47. Polskie Towarzystwo Kardiologiczne “Standardy postępowania w badaniu Holterowskim” (in Polish) nakładem PTK, Warszawa 1997
  48. PROAKIS J. “Digital communications” 2-nd ed. New York McGraw-Hill 1989
  49. RANDALL R. B., Tech B. A. "Frequency analysis", Bruel & Kjaer, 1987
  50. TADEUSIEWICZ R., IZWORSKI A., MAJEWSKI J. “Biometry”, AGH, Kraków, 1993 (in Polish)
  51. TOMPKINS W. J. (ed.) "Biomedical Digital Signal Processing – C-languages Examples nad Laboratory Experiments for the IBM PC" University of Wisconsin-Madison, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1993.
  52. WANG B. YUAN G. "Compression of ECG Data by Vector Quantization". IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. vol. 16, No 4 pp 23-26, July/Aug 1997
  53. WILLEMS J. L., ARNAUD P., VAN BEMMEL J. H. "Assessment of the performance of electrocardiographic computer programs with the use of a reference data base" Circulation, 1985, Vol. 71 No. 3, p 523-534.
  54. WILLEMS J. L. Common Standard for Quantitative Electrocardiography Multilead Atlas – Measurements results Data Set 3 Commission of the European Communities – Medical and Public Health Research, Leuven 1988
  55. WILLEMS J. L. "Common Standards for Quantitative Electrocardiography" 10-th CSE Progress Report, 1990. Leuven: ACCO publ., 1990, 384p.
  56. ZARĘBA W., MAISON-BLANCHE P., LOCATI E. H. " Noninvasive Electrocardiology in Clinical Practice" FuturaPublishing Co. New York, 2001.
  57. ZIGEL Y., COHEN A., KATZ A. "A Diagnostic Meaningful Distortion Measure for ECG Compression" in proc. 19th Conv. of Electrical & Electronic Eng. In Israel, pp. 117-120 1996
  58. ZIGEL Y., COHEN A. “On the optimal distortion measure for ECG compression” w materiałach European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, Wiedeń, 1999
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