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references on wavelets
  1. Akay M (ed.) "Wavelets in Biomedical Signal Processing" 1996.
  2. Akay M. "Wavelets in Biomedical Engineering" Annals of Biomed. Eng. Vol. 23, 531-542, 1995
  3. Aminoff M. (ed.) "Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology" Churchill Livingstone, New York, 1986
  4. Augustyniak P. "Przetwarzanie sygnałów elektrodiagnostycznych" Wydawn. Nauk-Dyd. AGH, Kraków 2001
  5. Augustyniak P. "Przybornik falkowej analizy sygnałów" w materiałach I Krajowej Konferencji użytkowników MATLAB-a, Kraków 14-15. 11. 1995, str 250-257.
  6. Augustyniak P., Tadeusiewicz R. "Improve the Quality of Diagnostic Parameters of an Electronystagmogram Using Signal Filtration in the Time-Frequency Domain and Adaptatively Adjusted Characteristics" IEEE-SP International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Paris 18-21. 06. 1996, str. 381-384.
  7. Augustyniak P., Tadeusiewicz R. "The Bandwidth Variability Of A Typical Electrocardiogram" w materiałach konferencji European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC ’99, Wien Austria, 04-07.11.1999, pp. 394-395.
  8. Augustyniak P. "Odrębna kompresja wyższych oktaw elektrokardiogramu" w materiałach konferencji Biocybernetyka i Inżynieria Biomedyczna, Warszawa 02-04.12.1999, pp. 423-427.
  9. Augustyniak P. "Compression and denoising of the ECG using standard bandwidth variability function" in proceedings of First International Conference on Advances in Medical Signal and Information Processing, Bristol, United Kingdom, 4-6.09.2000 pp. 48-53
  10. Augustyniak P. "Optimal Pattern-to-Signal Synchronization for Time-Frequency Template Matching ECG Compression Technique" in proceedings of V-th International Conference on Medical Informatics and Technologies MIT 2000, Ustroń-Jaszowiec 8-10.11.2000 pp. CS41-CS48.
  11. Augustyniak P. "The Dynamic Range of an ECG in the Time-Frequency Domain Used for the Lossless Signal Compression" in proceedings of V-th International Conference on Medical Informatics and Technologies MIT 2000, Ustroń-Jaszowiec 8-10.11.2000, pp. BI29 - BI37.
  12. Augustyniak P. "Frequency Band Dependent Quantization Level for Adaptive ECG-Dedicated Signal Compression" in proceedings of International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, Agadir Morroco, 3-5.05.2001, pp. 1013-1025.
  13. Augustyniak P."Controlling the Distortions Distribution in a Wavelet Packet-Based
    ECG Compression" in proceedings of International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, Agadir Morroco, 3-5.05.2001, pp. 267-277.
  14. Barlas G. D., Skordalakis E. S. "A Novel Family of Compression Algorithms for ECG and Other Semiperiodical One-Dimensional Biomedical Signals" IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. vol. 43 no 8, 1996
  15. Białas J.T. "Falki i aproksymacje" WNT, Warszawa 2000
  16. Bhaskaran V., Konstantinides K. "Image and video compression standards: algorithms and architectures" Kluwer, Boston 1995
  17. Blanchett T., Kember G. C., Fenton G. A. "KLT­Based Quality Controlled Compression of Single­Lead ECG" IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 45, no.7, pp.942­945, July 1998
  18. Bradie B. "Wavelet Packet-Based Compression of Single Lead ECG" IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. vol. 43 pp 493-501, 1996
  19. Calderbank A.R., Daubechies I., Sweldens W., Yeo B.­L. "Wavelet transforms that map integers to integers" Technical report, Department of Mathematics, Princeton University 1996
  20. Calderbank A.R., Daubechies I., Sweldens W., Yeo B.­L. "Lossles image compression using integer to integer wavelet transforms" Proc. of IEEE International Conference of Image Processing, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Oct. 1997, vol.1, pp. 596­599
  21. Cardenas­Barrera J.L. Lorenzo­Ginori JV. "Mean­shape vector quantizer for ECG signal compression" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.46, no.1, Jan. 1999, pp.62­70. Publisher: IEEE, USA
  22. Cetin A. E., Koymen H., Aydin M. C. "Multichannel ECG Data Compression by Multirate Signal Processing and Transform Domain Coding Techniques" IEEE Trans. on Biomed. Eng. vol. 40, no 5, pp. 495-499, 1993
  23. Chen J. Itoh S. "A wavelet transform­based ECG compression method guaranteeing desired signal quality" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.45, no.12, Dec. 1998, pp.1414­19. Publisher: IEEE, USA
  24. Chen L., Chen W., Itoh S. "Lossy to Lossless Compression of ECG Data Using Integer Wavelet Transform" in proceedings of the European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC’99 Nov 4-7 1999, Vienna, Austria
  25. Chui Ch.K. "An introduction to wavelets" Academic Pres, Inc., 1992
  26. Chui Ch.K. "Wavelets: A Matematical Tool for Signal Analysis" Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1997
  27. Cohen A. "Ondelettes, analyses multirésolution et traitement numérique du signal" Ph. D. Thesis, University of Paris IX, DAUPHINE, 1992.
  28. Cohen A., Zigel Y. "Compression of multichannel ECG through multichannel long-term prediction" IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. vol. 17, No 1 pp 109-115, Jan/Feb 1998
  29. Coifman R. R., Wickerhauser M. V. "Entropy­Based Algorithms for Best Basis Selection" IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol.38, no.2, March 1992
  30. Daubechies I. "Ten lectures on wavelets" SIAM, Philadelphia 1992
  31. Daubechies I., Sweldens W. "Factoring wavelet transforms into lifting steps" J. Fourier Anal. Appl., vol 4, no 3, pp. 245­267, 1998
  32. Dąbrowska B., Dąbrowski A. "Podręcznik elektrokardiografii" Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich, Warszawa 1993
  33. Dąbrowski A., Dąbrowska B., Piotrowicz R. "Elektrokardiografia holterowska" Oxford-Polska, Wydawnictwo Medyczne, Warszawa, 1994
  34. Djohan A., Nguyen T.Q., Tompkins W.J. "ECG compression using discrete symmetric wavelet transform" 17th Int. Conf. IEEE Medicine and Biology, 1995
  35. Donoho D. L. "Interpolating wavelet transforms" Preprint. Department of Statistics, Stanford University, 1992
  36. Drozdek A. "Wprowadzenie do kompresji danych" WNT, Warszawa 1999
  37. Duda K.: Projektowanie biortogonalnych układów falkowych w wersji predykcyjnej z uwzględnieniem zjawisk brzegowych. Zeszyty naukowe AGH Elektronika i Elektrotechnika Tom 19, zeszyt 2, str 125-131, rok 2000
  38. Duda K., Zieliński T.P. "Zastosowanie adaptacyjnej transformary falkowej w wersji predykcyjnej do bezstratnej kompresji sygnału EKG" Modelowanie i Pomiuy w Medycynie 7-11 maja 2001r, Krynica Górska
  39. Duda K., Turcza P., Zieliński T.P. "Lossless ECG Compression with Lifting Wavelet Transform" IEEE Insttumentarion and Measmement Technology Conference Budapest, Hungary, May 21 03, 2001
  40. Duda K. "Lossless ECG Compression with Adaptive Lifting Wavelet Transform" Intnl TICSP Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing SMMSP 2001, Pula, Croatia June 16-18, 2001
  41. Fayn J., Rubel P. "An improved method for the precise measurement of serial ECG changes in QRS duration and QT interval" J. Electrocardiol. Vol 24 suppl., 123:127, 1992
  42. Heim K. "Metody kompresji danych" MIKOM 2001
  43. Hilton M.L. "Wavelet and wavelet packet compression of electrocardiograms" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.44, no.5, May 1997, pp.394­402. Publisher: IEEE, USA
  44. Holter N. "New method for heart studies: continuous electrocardiography of active subjects over long periods is now practical" Science 1961, 134: 1214-20
  45. Horspool R.N., Windels W.J. "ECG compression using Ziv­Lempel techniques" Comput. Biomed. Res. 28, 1995, pp.67­68
  46. Howard P. G.: Vitter J.S. "Practical implementations of arithmetic coding" w Storer J. A. (red): Image and text compression. Kluwer, Boston 1992, pp.85­112
  47. Huffman D.A. "A method for the construction of minimum­redundancy codes" Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineeres, 40, 1952
  48. Jalaleddine S.: Hutchens C., Coberly W. "ECG data compression techniques -- A unified approch" IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol.37, pp.329­343, Apr. 1990
  49. Kuzume K., Niijima K. "Design of optimal lifting wavelet filters for data compression" IEEE 1998
  50. "Lossless data compression" Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.88, no.11, November 2000
  51. Lu Z., Kim D.Y., Pearlman W.A. "Wavelet Compression of ECG Signals by the Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees Algorithm" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.47, no.7, July 2000
  52. Mallat S. G. "A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation", IEEE Trans on PAMI, Vol. 11 No. 7, July 1989
  53. Mallat S. G. "A wavelet tour of signal processing" Academic Press, San Diego 1992
  54. Misiti M., Misiti Y., Oppenheim G., Poggi J.­M. "Wavelet Toolbox User's Guide" Ver. 1
  55. Moody G., Mark R. "MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database Directory" Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Biomedical Engineering Center 1988.
  56. Moss A. J., Stern S. "Noninvasive Electrocardiology – Clinical Aspects of Holter Monitoring", W. B. Saunders Co. Ltd. Cambridge University Press, 1996
  57. Nagarajan K. Kresch E. Rao SS. Kresh Y. "Constrained ECG compression using best adapted wavelet packet bases" IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.3, no.10, Oct. 1996, pp.273­5. Publisher: IEEE, USA
  58. Nave G., Cohen A. "ECG compression using long term prediction" IEEE Trans Biomed. Eng. Vol. 40, 877-885, 1993
  59. Ramakrishnan A. G. "ECG Coding by Wavelet­Based Linear Prediction" IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 44, no.12, pp.1253­1261, December 1997
  60. Randall R. B., Tech B. A. "Frequency analysis", Bruel & Kjaer, 1987
  61. Shannon C.E. "A mathematical theory of communication" Bell System Technical Journal. 1948, 27, pp. 379­423, 623­656
  62. Shapiro J. M. "Embedded image coding using zerotrees of wavelet coefficients" IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.41, no.12, pp.3445­3462, Dec. 1993
  63. Shaou­Gang M, Heng­Lin Y. "Quality Driven Gold Washing Adaptive Vector Quantization and Its Application to ECG Data Compression" IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 47, no.2, pp.209­218, February 2000
  64. Skarbek W. "Multimedia algorytmy i standardy kompresji" Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza PLJ, Warszawa 1998
  65. Sweldens W., Fernández G., Periaswamy S. "Liftpack: A software Package for Wavelet Transforms using Lifting" (ftp://ftp.math.sc.edu/pub/)
  66. Sweldens W. "The lifting scheme: A construction of second generation wavelets" Technical Report 1995:6, Industrial Mathematics Initiative, Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina, 1995
  67. Sweldens W. "The lifting scheme: a custom­design construction of biorthogonal wavelets" Journal of Appl. and Comput. Harmonic Analysis, 3(2): 186­200, 1996
  68. Sweldens W., Schröder P. "Building your own wavelets at home" In Wavelets in Computer Graphics pages 15­87. ACM SIGGRAPH Course notes, 1996
  69. Tadeusiewicz R. "Podstawy elektroniki medycznej" skrypt uczelniany AGH nr 640, Kraków 1978
  70. Teiwes W. "Video-okulografie – Registrierung von Augenbewegungen in drei Freiheittsgraden zur Erforscherung und Medizinischen Diagnostik des Gleichgewichtssystems" dissertation TU Berlin, 1991
  71. Tkacz E. "Nowe możliwości diagnostyczne analizy zmienności rytmu serca (HRV)" prace IBIB-PAN nr 45, Warszawa, 1996
  72. Tompkins W. J. (ed.) "Biomedical Digital Signal Processing – C-languages Examples nad Laboratory Experiments for the IBM PC" University of Wisconsin-Madison, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1993.
  73. Vetterli M., Kovacevic J. "Wavelets and subband coding" Prentice Hall PTR, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, 1995
  74. Villasenor J.D., Belzer B., Liao J. "Wavelet filter evaluation for image compression" IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol.4, no.8, pp.1053­1060, Aug 1995
  75. Vitter J.S.: "Algorithm 673: Dynamic Huffman coding" ACM. Transactions on Mathematical Software, 15, 1989
  76. Wickerhauser M. V. "Adapted Wavelet Analysis from Theory to Software" IEEE PRESS, 1994
  77. Willems J. L. "Common Standard for Quantitative Electrocardiography – 10th and final report" Commission of the European Communities – Medical and Public Health Research, Leuven, 1990
  78. Willems J. L. "Common Standard for Quantitative Electrocardiography Multilead Atlas – Measurements results Data Set 3" Commission of the European Communities – Medical and Public Health Research, Leuven, 1988
  79. Wojtaszczyk P. "Teoria falek" PWN, Warszawa 2000
  80. Xiong Z., Herley C. "Flexible Tree­Structured Signal Expansions Using Time­Varying Wavelet Packets" IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol.45, no.2, pp. 333­345, February 1997
  81. Young R.K. "Wavelet theory and its applications" Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993
  82. Zaręba W., Maison-Blanche P., Locati E. H. "Noninvasive Electrocardiology in Clinical Practice" FuturaPublishing Co. New York, 2001.
  83. Zigel Y., Cohen A., Katz A. "ECG Signal Compression Using Analysis by Synthesis Coding" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.47, no.10, October 2000
  84. Zigel Y., Cohen A., Katz A. "The Weighted Diagnostic Distortion (WDD) Measure for ECG Signal Compression" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.47, no.11, November 2000
  85. Zigel Y. "ECG signal compression" Thesis M.Sc. Degree, Ben Gurion University of the Negev Faculty of Engineering Sciences Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, August 1998
  86. Ziv J., Lempel A. "A universal algorithm for sequantial data commpression" IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 1977. IT­23, 337-­343
  87. Ziv J., Lempel A. "Compression of individual sequences via variable­rate encoding" IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 1978, IT­24, pp. 530-­536

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