"MinExTarget - key milestones of the first successful year of the MinExTarget project & online shorcourse for students

The MinExTarget project was created with the aim of developing a new exploration tool, which provides better targeting capacities in the early stages of mineral exploration. The MinExTarget tool identifies and interprets secondary footprints of ore deposits preserved by heavy minerals in glacial, stream and shallow marine sediments. The project has just delivered its first annual report outlining the achievements and results from the first year of the project.

Master and PhD students are invited to participate in the five days online short course on “Fingerprinting techniques in mineral exploration”. The short course is organized by MinExTarget project, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, in collaboration with AGH University of Science and Technology, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), University of Oulu (OU), and EIT RM Academy.

Department of Ore Geology AGH is a partner in MinExTarget “Enhanced Use of Heavy Mineral Chemistry in Exploration Targeting”, an EIT RawMaterials KIC Upscaling project. Upscaling projects are intended to bring new raw materials related technologies, processes or services towards market.

The MinExTarget consortium consists of nine partners from research organizations, universities, mineral exploration and consulting SMEs from Finland, Denmark, Norway and Poland. The partners are: AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland; CRS Laboratories Oy, Finland; Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland – GEUS; Mawson Oy, Finland; Palsatech Oy, Finland; University of Oulu: Business School and Mining School, Finland and University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway. The total budget of MinExTarget is over 3 million euros for three years and it is coordinated by Geological Survey of Finland (GTK).