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Articles in international journals:
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Meets Optical Microscopy: Probing the Local Paths of Charge Transfer Operando in Booster-Microparticles for Flow BatteriesMahdi Moghaddam, Louis Godeffroy, Jerzy J. Jasielec, Nikolaos Kostopoulos, Jean-Marc Noël, Jean-Yves Piquemal, Jean-François Lemineur, Pekka Peljo, Frédéric KanoufiSmall 2024, 2309607Go to the article
Limitations of Fast Charging of High Energy NMC-based Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Numerical Study.Jerzy J. Jasielec, Pekka PeljoBatteries & Supercaps 2023, 6(10), e20230018Go to the article
Electrodiffusion Phenomena in Neuroscience and the Nernst–Planck–Poisson EquationsJ.J. JasielecElectrochem 2021, 2(2), 197-215.Go to the article
Effective and Apparent Diffusion Coefficients of Chloride Ions and Chloride Binding Kinetics Parameters in Mortars: Non-Stationary Diffusion–Reaction Model and the Inverse ProblemJ.J. Jasielec, J. Stec, K. Szyszkiewicz-Warzecha, A. Łagosz, J. Deja, A. Lewenstam and R. FilipekMaterials 2020, 13(23), 5522.Go to the article
Precipitation of Inorganic Salts in Mitochondrial MatrixJ.J. Jasielec, R. Filipek, K. Dołowy and A. LewenstamMembranes 2020, 10(5), 81.Go to the article
Sensitivity and Selectivity of Ion-Selective Electrodes Interpreted Using the Nernst-Planck-Poisson Model (NPP)J.J. Jasielec, Z. Mousavi, K. Granholm, T. Sokalski and A. LewenstamAnal. Chem. 2018, 90, 15, 9644-9649.Go to the article
Modeling of Electrodiffusion Processes from Nano to Macro ScaleK. Szyszkiewicz, J.J. Jasielec, M. Danielewski and R. FilipekJ. Electrochem. Soc. 2017, 164, E3559-E3568.Go to the article
Determination of Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in Cement-Based Materials – A Review of Experimental and Modeling Methods: Part III – EIS-based MethodsK. Szyszkiewicz, J.J. Jasielec, A. Królikowska, R. FilipekCement, Wapno, Beton 2017, 3, 219-229.Go to the article
Determination of Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in Cement-Based Materials – A Review of Experimental and Modeling Methods: Part II – Migration MethodsJ.J. Jasielec, K. Szyszkiewicz, A. Królikowska, R. FilipekCement, Wapno, Beton 2017, 2, 154-167.Go to the article
Determination of Chloride Diffusion Coefficient in Cement-Based Materials – A Review of Experimental and Modeling Methods: Part I – Diffusion MethodsK. Szyszkiewicz, J.J. Jasielec, A. Królikowska, R. FilipekCement, Wapno, Beton 2017, 1, 52-66.Go to the article
Determination of Diffusion Coefficients in Cement-Based Materials: An Inverse Problem for the Nernst–Planck and Poisson ModelsK. Szyszkiewicz, J.J. Jasielec, J. Fausek and R. FilipekJ. Mater. Eng. Perform. 2016, 25, 3291–3295.Go to the article
Continuous Modeling of Calcium Transport Through Biological MembranesJ.J. Jasielec, R. Filipek, K. Szyszkiewicz, T. Sokalski and A. LewenstamJ. Mater. Eng. Perform. 2016, 25, 3285-3290.Go to the article
Inverse Problems in Mass and Charge TransportK. Szyszkiewicz, J.J. Jasielec, J. Fausek and R. FilipekAnnales de Chimie Science des Matériaux 2016, 40, 51-59.Go to the article
Neutral-Carrier Ion-Selective Electrodes Assessed by Nernst-Planck-Poisson ModelJ.J. Jasielec, T. Sokalski, R. Filipek and A. LewenstamAnal. Chem. 2015, 87, 8665−8672.Go to the article
Breakthrough in Modeling of Electrodiffusion Processes : Continuation and Extensions of the Classical Work of Richard Buck.K. Szyszkiewicz, M. Danielewski, J. Fausek, J.J. Jasielec, W. Kucza, A. Lewenstam, T. Sokalski, R. FilipekECS Transactions 2014, 61 (15), 21 - 30.Go to the article
Nernst-Planck-Poisson Model for the Qualitative Description of the Behaviour of Solid-Contact Ion-Selective-Electrodes at Low Analyte ConcentrationJ.J. Jasielec, G. Lisak, M. Wagner, T. Sokalski and A. LewenstamElectroanalysis 2013, 25, 133 - 140.Go to the article
Computer Simulations of Electrodiffusion Problems Based on Nernst-Planck and Poisson EquationsJ.J. Jasielec, R. Filipek, K.Szyszkiewicz, J. Fausek, M. Danielewski and A. LewenstamComputational Materials Science 2012, 63, 75-90.Go to the article
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) of Ion Sensors. Direct Modelling and Inverse Problem Solving using the Nernst-Planck-Poisson (NPP) Model and the HGS(FP) Optimization StrategyB. Grysakowski, J.J. Jasielec, B. Wierzba, T. Sokalski, A. Lewenstam and M. DanielewskiJ. Electroanal. Chem. 2011, 662, 143-149.Go to the article
Novel Strategy for Finding the Optimal Parameters of Ion Selective ElectrodesJ.J. Jasielec, B. Wierzba, B. Grysakowski, T. Sokalski, M. Danielewski and A. LewenstamECS Transactions 2011, 33 (26), 19-29.Go to the article
Comparison of Different Approaches to the Description of the Detection Limit of Ion-Selective ElectrodesJ.J. Jasielec, T. Sokalski, R. Filipek and A. LewenstamElectrochimica Acta 2010, 55, 6836-6848.Go to the article
Modelling Non Equilibrium Potentiometry to Understand and Control Selectivity and Detection LimitA. Lewenstam, T. Sokalski, J. Jasielec, W. Kucza, R. Filipek, B. Wierzba and M. DanielewskiECS Transactions 2009, 19 (6), 219-224.Go to the article