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Non-peer-review Scientific Publications:
Techno-Economic Analysis of Residential PV-Battery Energy System in NordicsL. Karttunen, S. Jouttijärvi, J. Niskanen, J.J. Jasielec, H. Huerta, S. Ranta, K. MiettunenProceedings of 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 24 – 27 Sept. 2024, Vienna, Austria.Go to the article
Modelowanie Sensorów Potencjometrycznych, cz. 2. (Modelling Potentiometric Sensors part 2)J.J. JasielecLAB Laboratoria, Aparatura, Badania, 2016, 2, 22-27.Go to the article
Modelowanie Sensorów Potencjometrycznych, cz. 1. (Modelling Potentiometric Sensors part 2)J.J. JasielecLAB Laboratoria, Aparatura, Badania, 2016, 1, 18-20.Go to the article