Scientific Models

Models described in my scientific work.:

The electrochemical Newman-based models allowing the description of battery cells with two different types of anodes i. e., conversion (Li-metal) anode and intercalation (graphite) anode, and the NMC cathode of different thickness.
The model allowing the theoretical description of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) method for the characterisation of intercalative materials (electrodes in classical bateries or solid boosters in redox flow batteries.
Model of the motion of chloride ions through a concrete sample. The numerical solution of Fickian diffusion and binding according to Freundlich isotherm.
Most general from the models available for calculating the calibration curves of ISE and liquid junction potentials. It allows the simulation of both Ion-Exchanger ISE and Neutral-Carrier ISE.

Online Calculators

Simplified models for the description of various systems.:

Time-dependent Diffusion Layer Model for simulating the calibration curves of Ion-Selective Electrodes. It allows, e.g. calculating the lower detection limit of ISE.
Phase Boundary Model for simulating the calibration curves (concentration-potential dependencies) of Ion-Selective Electrodes.
Online Calculator of liquid junction potential using Henderson and Planck methods.
Online simulation of pure diffusion in homogeneous materials based on the numerical solution of Fick's second law.
Quick method of establishing diffusion coefficient in homogeneous materials, based on the concentration profiles obtained from non-stationary measurements and the solution of Fick's second Law.
Online simulation of the motion of chloride ions through a concrete sample. The numerical solution of Fickian diffusion and binding according to Freundlich isotherm.
Nernst-Planck-Poisson Model for the description of electrodiffusion in thin membranes. It allows obtaining the potential and concentration profiles inside the membrane.