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Conference Presentations
Work presented at international conferences:
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Meets Optical Microscopy: Probing the Local Paths of Charge Transfer Operando in Booster-Microparticles for Flow BatteriesMahdi Moghaddam, Louis Godeffroy, Jerzy J. Jasielec, Nikolaos Kostopoulos, Jean-Marc Noël, Jean-Yves Piquemal, Jean-François Lemineur, Pekka Peljo, Frédéric KanoufiNordBatt 2024, 24 – 27 Sept. 2024, Oslo, Norway.Go to the article
Computer-aided Materials Characterisation of the Solid Boosters for the Redox Flow Batteries.Mahdi Moghaddam, Louis Godeffroy, Jerzy J. Jasielec, Nikolaos Kostopoulos, Jean-Marc Noël, Jean-Yves Piquemal, Jean-François Lemineur, Pekka Peljo, Frédéric Kanoufi8th Baltic Electrochemistry Conference, 14 - 17 April 2024, Tartu, Estonia.Go to the article
Mathematical Model for Solid Booster Materials Characterisation using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy.Jerzy J. Jasielec, Mahdi Moghaddam, Louis Godeffroy, Frédéric Kanoufi, Nikolaos Kostopoulos, Jean-François Lemineur, Jean-Marc Noël, Pekka PeljoNordic Flow Battery Network - Winter School, 13 – 15 Dec 2023 Turku, Finland
Limitations of Fast Charging of High Energy NMC-based Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Numerical Study.Jerzy J. Jasielec, Pekka Peljo74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 3 - 8 Sept 2023, Lyon, France.Go to the article
Limitations of Fast Charging of High Energy NMC-based Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Numerical Study.Jerzy J. Jasielec, Pekka PeljoLEPA meting, 31 Aug. - 1 Sept. 2023, Lyon, France.
Mathematical Model for Solid Booster Materials Characterisation using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy.Jerzy J. Jasielec, Mahdi Moghaddam, Louis Godeffroy, Frédéric Kanoufi, Nikolaos Kostopoulos, Jean-François Lemineur, Jean-Marc Noël, Pekka PeljoNordic Flow Battery Network - Winter School, 7 – 10 Dec 2022 Copenhagen, Denmark
Mathematical Modelling of Solid Boosters.Jerzy J. Jasielec, Marco Lagnoni, Antonio Bertei, Mahdi Moghaddam, Pekka Peljo1st Regional Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 5 - l9 August 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
Mathematical Modelling of Ionic Transport in Lithium-Ion Batteries.Jerzy J. Jasielec, Sébastien Sallard, Claire Villevieille, Pekka Peljo1st Regional Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 5 - l9 August 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
Mathematical Modelling of Solid Boosters.Jerzy J. Jasielec, Mahdi Moghaddam, Pekka PeljoNordic Flow Battery Network - Autumn School, 24 – 26 Nov 2021 Turku, Finland
Modelling of Biological MembranesJ.J. Jasielec, K. Szyszkiewicz, R. Filipek and A. LewenstamEuromat - European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 20 – 24 Sept, 2015 Warsaw, Poland.
Nernst-Planck-Poisson model for the qualitative description of the behaviour of solid-contact ion-selective electrodes at low analyte concentrationJ.J. Jasielec, G. Lisak, M. Wagner, T. Sokalski and A. Lewenstam14th International Conference on Electroanalysis - ESEAC 2012, 3-7 June 2012, Portoroz, Slovenia.
Novel strategy for finding the optimal parameters of ion selective electrodesJ.J. Jasielec, B. Wierzba, B.Grysakowski, T.Sokalski, M. Danielewski and A. LewenstamElectrochemical Society Biannual Meeting, 10-15 Oct, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.Go to the article
Nernst-Planck-Poisson modelling of properties and electrochemical response of sensing materialsJ.J. Jasielec, T. Sokalski, R. Filipek and A. LewenstamICAM2009 : 11th International Conference on Advanced Materials: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20-25 Sept. 2009/ International Union of Materials Research Societies - abstract book.Go to the article