Sustainable Development in Materials Science - seminars

Duration of the course - 30 hours (2 hours a week)
Prerequisite for getting a pass - attendance durng classes, online test, presentation

Program of the course

Presentation topics

  1. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals - plans and challenges.
  2. Problem of Population Growth and How to prevent it.
  3. Influence of COVID-19 Pandemic on Three Capitals (PPP).
  4. How Alternative Materials Could Shrink Concrete’s Giant Carbon Footprint.
  5. Water as Critical Material. Do We Face a Water Crisis?
  6. Removing CO2 from the Atmosphere - Technological Solutions.
  7. Zero-Waste Economy - Life Without Waste.
  8. Sustainable Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion.
  9. Novel Solutions in Solar Energy Harvesting.
  10. Novel Solutions in Wind Energy Harvesting.
  11. Hydrogen as Energy Source.
  12. Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement and Other Treaties Saving the Environment.
  13. Energy Sources in the EU and Member States.
  14. How and when European Union Plans to Achieve Climate Neutrality.
  15. Sustainability in China - How the Biggest CO2 Producer Plans to Achieve Climate Neutrality.
