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Materials Design and Computer-aided Materials Science - seminars
Duration of the course
- 30 hours (2 hours per week)
Prerequisite for getting a pass
- a positive grade for each test.
Final grade on a percentage scale
- the sum of points from tests and activity during classes.
Program of the course
- Class 1- Information about the course and introduction to VBA
- Class 2 - Derivatives and integrals, trapezoidal rule
- Class 3 - Initial problem, Euler and Runge-Kutta methods
- Class 4 - Numerical solution for systems of linear equations
- Class 5 - Dirichlet boundary problem
- Class 6 - Applications of Dirichlet boundary problem
- Class 7 - Colloquium I (tasks relate to the material of classes 1-6)
- Class 8 - Initial-boundary problem, time-dependent diffusion model
- Class 9 - Analytical solution of the diffusion model and the inverse problem
- Class 10 - Diffusion-reaction model
- Class 11 i 12 - Nernst-Planck-Poisson model
- Classes 13 - Colloquium II (tasks relate to the material of classes 8-12)
- Class 14 - The retake of the Colloquium (2nd deadline of passing the subject)
- Class 15 - Assessment Colloquium (3rd deadline, tasks relate to the material of classes 1-12)
Additional materials
R. Filipek, K. Szyszkiewicz-Warzecha"Metody matematyczne dla ceramików",Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków 2013