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MSc and BSc theses 2024/2025 (University of Turku)
MSc theses
- Different Battery Models and Equivalent Circuit Model Optimization. - Ville Koponen
- Degradation of Lithium-Ion Batteries. - Sasu Leisti
- All-Iron Redox Flow Batteries. Working Principle and Recent Developments. - Aapeli Hyvärinen
- The Development of the Iron-Based Batteries. From Baghdad Battery to Modern Solutions. - Sara Sirama
Theses written in previous years (AGH-UST)
MSc theses
- Modelling of Ionic Transport in Porous Environments. - Anna Chyba, academic year 2020/2021
- Modelling of Neutral-Carrier Ion-Selective Electrodes. - Bartosz Gmyrek, academic year 2014/2015
- The Nernst-Planck-Poisson Model in the Description of Potential-Current Relation. - Michał Zych, academic year 2018/2019
- Numerical Parameters of the Nernst-Planck-Poisson Model. - Bartosz Gałuszka, academic year 2018/2019