Control Systems Optimization
Office hours
Igor Wojnicki, PhD: stop by my office on Wednesday 12:30-13:30, 117, B4 or email me:
Exam #1 and final grades.
Exam take #2 for those who didn't pass #1 will be given on 4.02.2011, 10:00, 117 B4 (entrace through B4 building or from the parking lot – try hard to get in). You can also have your grades written into the indexes then.
5.01.2011 - Classroom and time change, the lecture takes place at 9:00am in 107, B5, if nobody opposes
Grading 4.11.210
Grading 8.12.2010
Grading 13.01.2011
Grading 31.01.2011 - the class takes place in 116 B4, 9:00am, single group. If you haven't gathered enough points to pass you'll be asked to do some programming (either C or Erlang) in the lab. Mind that there might be no internet connection there.