List of Figures

  1. Example Logic Program
  2. Dependency Graph for Figure 4.1
  3. Example Prolog Program, simple clauses.
  4. Example Prolog Program, complex clauses.
  5. OR operator.
  6. An example of fail/0 predicate.
  7. An example of fail/0 predicate, the output.
  8. An example of cut predicate.
  9. Consulting other programs, the main program.
  10. Consulting other programs, the extension.
  11. Consulting other programs, the result.
  12. Prolog Dynamic Database.
  13. Prolog Lists.
  14. Prolog Lists, the reply to the following query: change(100,X).
  15. Decomposing Rules, Improved Diagram.
  16. Decomposing a clause.
  17. External Matching, Internal Matching and Logic Program, Entity Relationship Diagram.
  18. Tight Coupling of the Inference System and the RDBMS
  19. Loose Coupling of the Inference System and the RDBMS
  20. Details on the Loose Coupling Architecture
  21. Detecting Jelly Views, the FSM Diagram
  22. ReDaReS, the Data Flow Diagram
  23. Implementation of the ERD using UML diagrams
  24. A tree structure.
  25. Browsing a tree, Prolog Program.
  26. Browsing a tree, SQL statements.
  27. Reverse Aggregation, Items, relation: item.
  28. Reverse Aggregation, Inventory, relation: inventory.
  29. Logic Program, Reverse Aggregated Sum.
  30. Reverse Aggregation, Internal and External Matching.

Igor Wojnicki 2005-11-07