- Example Logic Program
- Dependency Graph for Figure 4.1
- Example Prolog Program, simple clauses.
- Example Prolog Program, complex clauses.
- OR operator.
- An example of fail/0 predicate.
- An example of fail/0 predicate, the output.
- An example of cut predicate.
- Consulting other programs, the main program.
- Consulting other programs, the extension.
- Consulting other programs, the result.
- Prolog Dynamic Database.
- Prolog Lists.
- Prolog Lists, the reply to the following query: change(100,X).
- Decomposing Rules, Improved Diagram.
- Decomposing a clause.
- External Matching, Internal Matching and Logic Program, Entity Relationship Diagram.
- Tight Coupling of the Inference System and the RDBMS
- Loose Coupling of the Inference System and the RDBMS
- Details on the Loose Coupling Architecture
- Detecting Jelly Views, the FSM Diagram
- ReDaReS, the Data Flow Diagram
- Implementation of the ERD using UML diagrams
- A tree structure.
- Browsing a tree, Prolog Program.
- Browsing a tree, SQL statements.
- Reverse Aggregation, Items, relation: item.
- Reverse Aggregation, Inventory, relation: inventory.
- Logic Program, Reverse Aggregated Sum.
- Reverse Aggregation, Internal and External Matching.
Igor Wojnicki