Workshops on Software Architecture Development for IT companies

Department of Applied Computer Science on Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering at AGH University of Science and Technology offers two day workshops on Software Architecture Development. The goal of the workshop is to introduce the approach of Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University to software architecture development.
Workshop topics:

  1. Introduction to software architecture
  2. Quality Attribute Workshop (QAW)
  3. Developing Architecture based on Attribute Driven Design (ADD)
  4. Documenting software architecture based on Views and Beyond (V&B) framework
  5. Architecture Evaluation based on Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM)
  6. Software Product Lines (SPL)
  7. Agile approach in software architecture development

Workshop instructors are holders of the following certificates of Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University:

  1. Software Architecture Professional Certificate
  2. SEI Software Architecture: Principles and Practices
  3. Software Architecture Design and Analysis
  4. Documenting Software Architectures
  5. Software Product Lines

Contact data: Department of Applied Computer Science, tel. +48 12 617 52 00, E-mail: or
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