Li-Ion Battery Model

The COMSOL Multiphysics model for the descriptions of the fast charging of Li-ion Batteries.

The electrochemical Newman-based models relate the physical parameters of the Li-ion battery to it's potential response. Models included here allow the description of battery cells with two different types of anodes i. e., conversion (Li-metal) anode and intercalation (graphite) anode, and the NMC cathode of different thickness. The model is described in detail in:

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Li-ion battery with intercalation (graphite) anode, and thin NMC cathode.
Li-ion battery with intercalation (graphite) anode, and ultra-thick NMC cathode.
Li-ion battery with conversion (Li-metal) anode, and thin NMC cathode.
Li-ion battery with conversion (Li-metal) anode, and ultra-thick NMC cathode.


  • COMSOL Multiphysics
  • Battery module