Liquid Junction Potential

Online Calculator of liquid junction potential using Henderson and Planck methods.

The concept of the liquid junction was developed by Nernst and Planck, who described it as a watery contact zone, i.e. a barrier of limited width that separates the two different bathing solutions possessing the same physical characteristics as water. Calculations of liquid junction potential (LJP) is usually done using Henderson equation and Planck formula. Details of both solutions can be found in:

Input Data
Number of ions in the system:
of ion
Diffusion coefficient D [m2/s]
Concentration in the left solutioncL [M]
Concentration in the right solutioncR [M]
Primary Ion
Counter ion
* Calibration curve calculated for   concentration points
   with starting CL of ion 1 M
   and concentration multiplier
** Concentrations of counter ion are calculated to provide electroneutrality: Σzici=0