Dirichlet boundary problem

PMiKNoM seminars - class 5


The general equation

There are many applications, that require solution of second order differential equation with boundary conditions expressed by known values of the function at the boundary points (optionally its derivatives or combination of function value and derivative). An example of such problem is given as:

$$ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} -\alpha(x) u \text{"} (x) + \beta(x) u \text{'} (x) + \gamma(x)u(x) = f(x) \\ u(x_L)=u_L \\ u(x_R)=u_R \end{array} \right. $$
where: `u(x)=?` is unknown function, specified in a range `[x_L,x_R]`; `\alpha,\beta,\gamma` and `f` are known functions; `u_L` and `u_R` are constant values on the left and right boundary, respectively.

The problem defined with the above equations is known as Dirichlet boundary problem. The important thing is, that the values of the function `u(x)` at the boundaries are given.

Solution of Dirichlet boundary problem:

General equation:

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