• [Rozmiar: 11195 bajtów]
  • [Rozmiar: 11195 bajtów]
  • [Rozmiar: 11195 bajtów]

Currently, most support for research in the field of artificial intelligence concerns selected groups of applications in terms of commercial and military use, leaving modest funds for the development of artificial intelligence that saves and protects lives in the field of medicine, biomedicine and science supporting the further constructive development of our civilization. Scientists responsible for the future of the world can develop artificial intelligence in various directions, and those supported by various funds are not necessarily aimed at the good and development of our civilization, health care, protection of life, education and striving for a better future. If you would like to support the development of Ethical Artificial General Intelligence (EticAGI) and the creation of Artificial Collective Knowledge systems (ACK), which could be used by anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge, based on knowledge collected from millions of people, including specialists from various fields, expertice areas, and industries, you can donate and contribute to the development of good artificial intelligence:

  1. Account in PLN: IBAN: PL75 1030 0019 0109 8518 0439 2390, Account holder: Adrian Horzyk, Bank name: Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A., Bank address: ul. Senatorska 16, 00-923 Warsaw, BIC/SWIFT: CITIPLPX
  2. Account in EUR: IBAN: PL48 1030 0019 0109 7804 0233 0969, Account holder: Adrian Horzyk, Bank name: Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A., Bank address: ul. Senatorska 16, 00-923 Warsaw, BIC/SWIFT: CITIPLPX
  3. Account in USD: IBAN: PL15 1030 0019 0108 4004 0227 9155, Account holder: Adrian Horzyk, Bank name: Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A., Bank address: ul. Senatorska 16, 00-923 Warsaw, BIC/SWIFT: CITIPLPX
  4. Account in GBP: IBAN: PL17 1030 0019 0108 2604 0212 9261, Account holder: Adrian Horzyk, Bank name: Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A., Bank address: ul. Senatorska 16, 00-923 Warsaw, BIC/SWIFT: CITIPLPX

In the transfer title, please provide "Donation to support the development of EticAGI" or "Donation to support the development of ACK".

If you would like to get involved in the development of such systems differently, e.g. scientifically, write to me, giving your motivation, ideas and describing what you would like to do or achieve?