The Applied Computer Science discipline at the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection offers every student unique capabilities of education in geoinformatics and other applications of computer theory in natural sciences. A great variety of computer subjects in the Applied Computer Sciences syllabus cause that our graduates are unrivalled at the labour market. We offer also a lot of environmental and humanistic courses, traineeships and field excursions that help to understand a wide spectrum of computer science applications in monitoring and protection of the environment.
Students of the discipline of Applied Computer Science may choose between three specializations:
Teaches computer-based methods of design and service of spatial data bases, as well as geoinformatics systems. This specialization makes our graduates specialists in the field of hi-tech tools, and using geospatial data processing and analysis including satellite and air remote sensing data.
Prepares for inter alia design, service and administration of extended data bases in many areas of economy, industry, and national and local administration. A graduate can work as a programmer of complicated computer systems and as a data base designer.
Helps to get knowledge on design and software distributed systems and computer system administration. Gained skills help students in creative solving problems by means of modelling and numerical recipes. The studies in Applied Computer Science discipline are run both as full-time and extramural courses.
The Applied Computer Science discipline at the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection gives a graduate the knowledge and abilities in a wide range of general computer science issues including construction of modern computers, operating systems, computer networks and data bases. What is more, a graduate can create applications in modern programming languages, and knows and can use software engineering rules that enable him or her the effective work in programmers’ groups. A graduate has also the basic knowledge in soft computing, computer graphics, and numerical modelling.
Graduates have knowledge in disciplines: higher mathematics, statistics, physics and disciplines connected with the faculty specializations (geology, geophysics, mining, environmental protection). Graduates know foreign languages on B2 level European Language Certificate and can use computer technical language.
The versatile education helps ours graduates find jobs in computer companies, including those that apply the computer sciences in geology, geophysics and environmental engineering.